Products & Solutions

Bringing Sight to an Unseen Group of Women

Menopausal Beauty

Because women make up approximately 50% of the world’s population and all of them will experience menopause at some point, we should talk about it!

Afterall, menopause is a natural biological process and should be treated as such, rather than an estrogen deficiency. Various health bodies, brands and celebrities are doing their part to destigmatize talk around menopause, and offer the support and resources women require when they reach this stage. This includes forgetting old stereotypes and youth focused messaging to embrace aging rather than treating menopause as a taboo topic and framing aging as something to fear and avoid. We want to celebrate women of the age as chic rather than grandmotherly, and this progressive shift in view can be shown in the menopause market where an estimated growth is projected from 16 billion us dollars by 2025 to 24.4 billion us dollars by 2030.

Menopause evolves through three stages – peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. Peri-menopause takes place approximately 10 years before menopause, most commonly in a woman’s late 40’s. during this time, estrogen can fluctuate, causing some common symptoms associated with menopause in general, such as hot flashes, mood changes, and others. The menopause stage begins with the absence of a menstrual cycle for 12 months or 1 year. This stage, on average, lasts for 3 years before a woman enters the post-menopause stage, which may pose some symptoms of its own with the decline of estrogen. It’s important to note that women progressing through the stages of menopause are not alone. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2025, more than 1 billion women worldwide will be experiencing menopause, representing approximately 12% of the population.

Through this concept, Evonik aims to bring sight and awareness to a less talked about group of women.