Topic of the month october 2018


Beauty consumers are looking for make-up tutorials, beauty routines and product recommendations. We offer high-tech solutions that keep ypu beautiful while connected.


Consumers’ relationship with technology has evolved over the last decades and fundamentally transformed the way we communicate. Alongside this change in communication with each other, we've also seen a change in shopping behaviors and therefore in advertising and marketing. For instance, social media influencers nowadays have an undeniable impact on the consumer and their purchase decisions. Through different digital networks, beauty consumers are looking for make-up tutorials, beauty routines and product recommendations. As technology becomes more and more incorporated into consumers everyday lives, the use of digital devices is constantly growing across the globe and across all generations. However, being connected 24/7 and living in a hyper-connected world, brings unique challenges to beauty brands and consumers:

Bacteria control

Smartphones can carry 10x more bacteria than a toilet seat! These microorganisms and dirt on the phone can clog the pores and trigger acne.

Smudges & staining

According to Apple, iPhone users unlock their phones 80 times a day! Make-up and hand creams can smudge and even stain our devices.

Pressure on perfection

Women normally take 2-5 photos before finding a “winner” to post. The increasing influence of social media creates the pressure to look the best all the time!

Fast ageing

Experts say that the light, emitted by our digital devices, can age skin prematurely and even alter the pigmentation, as it penetrates all skin layers.

At Evonik we provide innovative solutions for digital beauty challenges, such as bacteria control on smartphones or formulations that do not leave smudges on digital devices, formulations for flawless skin and hair for the perfect selfie, and innovative solutions for digitally stressed skin.

If you want to find out more about the different formulations, please click here.

Product of the month

TEGO® Feel C 10

No one’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed. Pictures are carefully selected out of multiple takes and often edited until they make it to the feed. But still, perfect pictures on social media can put pressure on people to look their best at all times. For people with oily skin, this can be a challenge. TEGO® Feel C 10 is a 100 % natural cellulose fiber from sustainable European forestry that can help as it shows superior absorption properties for cosmetic oils and human sebum and provides the skin with a matte appearance. It can be incorporated into skin care emulsions but also powders, like the Insta-Selfie Loose Powder. With a rising focus on sustainable ingredients, it is a perfect alternative for microplastics in leave-on applications.

Combine a matte look with sustainability and take sensory from nature.

Explore all formulations of this concept